Message from the President

Hello CHS Members,

My name is Elaine Meyers and I was elected as the new President of our society. I would like to invite you all to our first meeting of 2023 on Tuesday, March 14th, at 7:00pm at the Historical Society building on Holden Road. We will start out with a program of, “Show and Tell”. Bring along a historical or special article of interest and tell why it is special to you and what the history is behind it. (It can be a picture, teacup, tool, written letter, whatever. ) We will follow this with a business meeting and discuss what we would like to plan for the rest of the year.

The past couple of years attendance at our meetings have been somewhat small, and I hope we can come up with some new activities and programs that more of you would like to participate in. If anyone would like to provide refreshments for this meeting please contact me at .

Looking forward to seeing you.