Ice Cream Social at North Chittenden Grange Hall

The Chittenden Historical Society is very happy to announce that we are again holding our annual Ice Cream Social on Tuesday evening, July 13th, at 7:00 PM. This year, the event will be at the Grange Hall on 3 Lower Middle Road in North Chittenden.
The 2021 recipient of the Muzzy Davenport Award for demonstrated excellence in local history is Barstow eighth-grade graduate Ardan Niering. He and his family will be our guests of honor as he shares his project about Oliver Erastus Churchill who served with the 10th Vermont at the battle of Cold Harbor in 1864.
Following the program, we will dish out the ice cream with strawberries, chocolate and whipped cream and get reacquainted after our year of no CHS events. This is always a good time to renew or start your membership.
Our CHS building will remain closed until September 2021. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Meanwhile, meetings will be transferred to the Grange Hall until further notice.