Chittenden Historical Society Highlights of 2019 Activities

Crown Point Road

In October Dennis Devereux of Belmont, Vermont, past president of the Crown Point Road Association, gave a presentation on the marking of locations for markers along the historic road. His presentation included a map for everyone to follow as he told the history of setting out the road from the straight line originally planned to the settled placement that took into account the land features that made the straight line infeasible.


Stage Curtain Program

We moved our annual potluck supper at the Grange Hall this year from October to September and hosted the Vermont Humanities Council Speaker Christine Hadsel, who gave  a very delightful and informative slide presentation “Vermont’s Historic Theater Curtains.” When Christine began her restoration of Vermont theater curtains project, Chittenden’s curtain was among the first to undergo restoration. It is the only theater curtain found so far in New England that depicts the Civil War.


Ice Cream Social

Each year the Chittenden Historical Society gives the Muzzy Davenport Award to the student at Barstow School that demonstrates exemplary interest in local, not necessarily Chittenden, history. The recipient receives $100 and presents his or her project before the Society at our annual ice cream social. In 2019 this award was given to Paige Harned whose presentation on local Civil War veteran Edwin Horton emphasized by the adversities he suffered during the Civil War to later successes through a variety of town offices in Chittenden, the Vermont Legislature, and as a Rutland County Judge.


2019 Memorial Day Observance

At the end of May, the society held a Memorial Day observance at Memorial Park. After the short program, we tossed lilac blossoms into the stream as Taps was sounded to honor our soldiers fallen in service to our country. Then refreshments and coffee was served by the Seniors at Town Hall. With permission from the Select Board, Steve Welch and Chris Baker moved the Honor Role to stand east of the flag pole. Chittenden’s Girl Scout Troop 30332 could present the flag ceremony beside the Honor Role this year instead of hidden behind it.

Also in May, we were treated to a picture and slide presentation by Joseph and Elaine Meyers of their trip by rail in the Canadian Rockies. Spectacular views of the Canadian Southwest were coupled with the quaintness of the fast disappearing era of luxury travel by train.